There are many exams applied in our country. These exams are applied by Student Selection and Placement Center. One of them is YDS. YDS is Foreign Language Exam. It is applied by Student Selection and Placement Center. It is a multiple-choice exam. It consists of grammar, reading, understanding and vocabulary. It is applied two times a year in spring and autumn. There is also e-YDS. The system is completely the same. E-YDS is realized online. The application dates and fees are on the web page of student selection and placement center (www.osym.gov.tr). The acquired points can be used for bachelor’s degree, associate professorship exams, language allowance, KPSS A Group teacher exam language point calculation. The fee is TRY120. Institutions determine the validity period on their own. There are 80 questions. Question distribution is as follows:
Vocabulary: |
6 |
Grammar |
10 |
Cloze Test |
10 |
Sentence completion |
10 |
English Turkish Translation |
3 |
Reading |
20 |
Dialogue Completion |
5 |
Finding the Closest Sentence |
4 |
Paragraph Completion |
4 |
The below mentioned point system is applied:
Level A |
90-100 |
Level B |
80-89 |
Level C |
70-79 |
Level D |
60-69 |
Level E |
50-59 |