Translation and Writing Courses in English

Translation and Writing Courses in English

English Translation and Writing Classes

It is not enough to know how to speak that language in order to translate. It is important to have knowledge of the grammar rules of the mother tongue and the target language and to know the culture of that language at the same time. There are graduates of translating and interpreting departments working professionally in this field. However, anyone who speaks English can make translations in different fields.

Translation Training for Everyone

Translation is not as difficult as it is thought for English speakers. When the right strategies are applied, you can also translate in many areas. If you have such an intention, check out the English Translation and Writing Training program tailored for you by Candelas. You can improve yourself in this field with our courses designed according to your work area.

Personalized Education

If you wish, you can get our general English translation and writing training or academic level translation and writing training.

These courses are given as one-to-one (private lessons) or in classes for 2 people. Special discounts and programs are applied to our students who come with a special group of friends.

Lessons are planned in 24-hour programs. When each 24-hour course package is finished, a new 24-hour package is planned according to your needs.

Online Education Opportunity

If you say "I don't have time to go to the course" or "I don't want to leave the house", we bring the English course to you. If you live outside Ankara, you can also receive this training online. With our brand My English Classes Online (MyECO), you can attend our live courses over the Internet in the comfort of home.

How do we give our Online Live Lessons?

Please contact us for our online English courses. For more detailed information, you can contact us from the following phones or email addresses.



For Further Details:

Telephone: +90 312 431 78 96 // +90 505 287 30 20
