Study in the USA

Study in the USA

A Guide for Education in America

The United States, which is the third-largest country in the world with an area of 308 million inhabitants, is frequently mentioned in the field of education. US universities, as in many countries of the world are among the first choice of people coming from Turkey for higher education. In addition to the quality education it provides, the US is an ideal choice for people who want to learn English abroad.

America is among the countries that opted for the education of Turkish students abroad. The majority of people going to America for educational purposes ranking #8 is located in Turkey. The abundance of options in the US for those who think about studying abroad plays a major role in the preference of Turks for this country.

Major Universities for Education in the USA

World-renowned cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago, and Miami offer incredible opportunities for students. With 18 universities in the top 20 list of the best universities in the world, USA, Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, MIT, UCLA, Columbia and Yale, it has proved to be the highest quality of education. It offers you the opportunity to study for the program you want, at the most affordable budget.

Characteristics of Education in America

One of the most important features is that the classes are made up of a very small number of courses, except for the common courses taken by very large universities. The average class size is between 20-40. There is a very close and warm relationship between professors and students. They closely monitor the success of the students and provide all kinds of support for their socialization.

Working in the US

There is no opportunity for foreign students to work with an educational visa outside the campus of the educational institution. Students studying at the University can work part-time during the school term and full-time during summer holidays in the campus, cafeteria, student affairs office, sports facilities, and library.

American Summer Schools

Summer schools in the United States are among the most preferred programs by Turkish students. American Summer Schools generally offer programs for students to attend for a minimum of 2 weeks to 6 weeks in June, July and August, when schools are closed. Students can practice their English at American Summer School Programs and have a nice holiday with excursions and social activities.

In Summer Schools, students can participate in programs on the campuses of either major universities or high schools. Thus, they can take advantage of all the advantages offered by the campuses. In Summer School Programs, students can usually take 15-20 lessons per week of English education and in the remaining time, they can participate in weekend trips with social, cultural and sporting activities.

Activity Summer Camps in America

These programs are usually 15 or 20 lessons per week of English education, followed by cultural excursions, sporting, and cultural activities. Duration usually varies from 2-6 weeks. It is usually for 10-18 age groups. Florida, California, New York are among the most preferred states for such camps. Students generally use the dormitories of their chosen university or high school as accommodation. A teacher responsible for each group of 10-15 students coordinates all activities and excursions.

Summer Summer Schools in America

These programs are designed for all high school students who are planning to take undergraduate education at American universities. They are designed to improve the English language, prepare for exams such as TOEFL or SAT, and choose from the credit courses offered by the university. In exchange for successful completion of the courses taken at the university, transcripts are taken from the school and even many universities can count these credit courses when they start later.

American Language Schools

American language schools are highly preferred by Turkish students. American language courses can usually specify a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 1 year in the first place. Students with a student visa in the United States can extend their language education programs within the country. Many different language education programs are offered in American language schools. These include General-Intensive English, Exam Preparation Programs (TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, GRE), Business English, Programs for Professionals, and Professional English programs.

General English Programs

General English Programs are offered by almost all schools in the United States. The weekly course hours of this training are usually 20 and the program covers all areas of English such as reading, writing, listening, speaking and grammar.

Long Term Package Programs

Long-term package programs usually include long-term education, such as 20, 24, 32, 36 weeks. The most important feature of long-term package programs is that the starting dates of the programs are not as flexible as in General or Intensive English Programs. It is usually possible to start these programs 4 times a year in January, April, June, and September.

TOEFL Preparation Programs

The TOEFL exam is an English proficiency exam for all non-native English students, who are required to study in a number of English-speaking or non-English speaking countries, particularly in the United States, but offering undergraduate or graduate programs in English.

The TOEFL exam consists of 4 parts and is completed in approximately 3.5-4 hours. The speaking exam is done completely online at the computer, including the speaking part. The TOEFL exam includes listening, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking.

Many US language schools offer courses on TOEFL Preparation. Students attending TOEFL Prep Programs are generally expected to have reached a certain level of English level and knowledge. Programs are usually organized in the morning in General English and in the afternoon in the form of exam preparation.

SAT Preparation Programs

SAT is a test that all American citizens are required to take. While many universities in the United States do not require this exam from foreign students, some good universities with higher rankings may require it. The test measures your reading, math and writing skills in a very short way. Many universities in the United States use the SAT exam as a criterion for granting scholarships.

There are private language schools in the USA that prepare for the SAT Exam. SAT Exam preparation is usually given to students who have good English skills and who want to succeed in these exams.

GMAT, GRE Preparation Programs

The GMAT exam is a test that all students who wish to study in the field of Business and related departments, especially in the US and then in many countries offering a Master's program in English in Europe and around the world. The GMAT exam is a test of your English verbal, quantitative, analytical and verbal composition competences. The exam duration is 3.5-4 hours.

GRE is the exam required for students who wish to apply for postgraduate programs other than Business Administration in the USA or other countries teaching English.

Students who want to attend GMAT and GRE exam preparation programs must have a good level of English. Lesson hours are generally short because these programs are not about teaching English, but about teaching tactics to succeed in the test. For these reasons, the duration is usually 4-12 weeks.

Business English Programs

Business English programs are usually taught in the form of General English in the morning and Business English in the afternoon with 25-30 hours of weekly lessons. It is expected that the students who will attend the Business English Program must have at least an Upper-Intermediate level. The Business English Program teaches how to use the language in business, not the modules of English. They usually last for 4-8 weeks and have a very flexible start date. Business English programs are offered at many language schools in the United States.

Vocational English Programs

These programs are usually prepared for new graduates or current employees to learn professional terminology in their fields. Almost many private language schools in the United States offer Vocational English Programs in particular areas. Business, Marketing, Law, Medicine, Business English, Tourism English are among the most preferred vocational programs in this field.

Law English Programs

Law English Programs are designed especially for law professionals and law school students in the United States. Advanced English knowledge is essential to participate in the programs, and the participating students will improve their English, learn the English of legal terms and gain an insight into the American legal system.

Programs usually start in 4 major semesters of the year, including January, March, June, September, and can last from 4 to 12 weeks, with approximately 25 hours per week.

Medical English Programs

All students taking medical courses and health professionals can participate in Medical English Programs. The program generally covers English terms, terminology and narrative forms related to Medical Life. In order to participate in the program, the English level must be High Intermediate. Programs are usually organized in 4-week sessions during the summer months.

Teacher Training Programs

This program is designed for people who are already teaching or are candidates for teaching English. Candidates who will participate in this program should have no problem with the English language. Programs can often be called TEFL or TESOL. TEFL Programs can be offered by private language schools as well as by extension programs of ranked universities. Programs are usually short-term and start during certain months of the year. Some programs offer only a language school certificate for informational and educational purposes, while others can prepare for the worldwide CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) and DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching).

The CELTA Programs are an entry-level certificate suitable for prospective teachers who have never taught English or have just started.

DELTA is a high-level diploma program where people with English language teaching experience can take 3 different modules and are recognized all over the world.

University Education in America

The US is among the countries that Turkish students prefer to study for their undergraduate studies. Higher education institutions in America are categorized as follows.

-  State Colleges or Universities: Fully state-funded school

-  Private Colleges or Universities: Smaller, more expensive tuition fees than State Universities

-  Professional Schools: Schools offering specialized study options in specific areas such as Art, Music, Business, Engineering

-  Institutes of Technology: Schools offering science and technology education for a minimum of 4 years

Turkish students do not need to take the ÖSS exam in order to get a university education in the USA. Students can start their first year of study directly from the Prep course, in which case they must obtain sufficient points from internationally recognized exams such as TOEFL or IELTS. Students whose English level is not sufficient to get enough points from these exams can apply to the universities that offer Prep Education in the USA and start studying in the Prep year.

The elite group of highly ranked universities in the United States is called the Ivy League. Known as the universities with the highest academic standards, these schools include Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, Stanford, Cornell.

In accordance with American law, students who have completed a minimum of 9 months of academic education in the United States will be entitled to full-time paid work if they stay in the country for a total of 1 year after graduation.

Master of Education in America

According to the latest data, 630,000 people from all over the world prefer America for their educational purposes and are among the top countries in the MSc.

It usually takes 1.5-2 years to complete the Master's Programs.

In order to prove their level of English, students are required to obtain an average score of 79-100 from internationally recognized exams such as TOEFL or IELTS, and 6.5 - 7.0 from IELTS. In addition, almost all universities, as in the case of Americans, are expected to take one of the GMAT or GRE exams according to the department they apply to.

Upon successful completion of the Master's degree in the United States, students can also use OPT rights that allow them to stay in the country for one year after graduation.

In the US, whether or not the students have work experience and internship experience especially related to the department they are applying to play an important role.

The major schools in the United States where you can study for a Master's degree are:

-  Boston University - School of Management Boston, MA

-  Yale University - School of Management New Haven, CT

-  University of Colorado - Denver - Business School Denver, CO

-  Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management Cambridge, MA

-  California State University - Los Angeles - College of Business & Economics LA, CA

-  Columbia University - School of Engineering and Applied Science New York, NY

-  Louisiana Tech University Ruston, LA

-  University of California - Davis - College of Engineering Davis, CA

Ph.D. Education in the USA

In order to participate in Ph.D. programs in the USA, it is necessary to have completed the Master's Degree.

In the USA, the exams to be taken for doctoral education are determined as TOEFL or IELTS and GMAT or GRE depending on the department. Doctorate periods vary between 3-6 years.

Upon successful completion of the doctoral program, students may also stay at the same university or at different universities as a lecturer.

In order to apply for doctoral education in the USA, the students must first determine the main area where they will study doctorate and then determine the doctorate subjects in which they will study.

The major schools in the United States where you can study for a Ph.D. are:

-  Business Administration & Management, Columbia University in the City of New York,

-  Business Administration & Management, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

-  Business Administration & Management, Boston University, Boston, MA

-  Business Administration & Management, University of Houston, Houston, TX

Certificate Training in America

In the USA, certificate or diploma training can usually be provided for 2,5 - 3 - 6 - 9 months or 1 - 1,5 - 2 years.

Although certificate programs are offered in many different fields, departments such as Business, Marketing, Finance, Computer, Tourism are among the most preferred.

English Language Proficiency is generally required in Certificate Programs, but since the school offering many certificate programs is also English Language Programs, students who do not have enough level can start education from language courses and then continue to certificate programs.

High School Education in America

To enter the high school students in the United States viewed the latest to continue their success in school and English language level in Turkey. Many schools also offer English Preparatory Programs for students who do not have sufficient English.

Accommodation can be made in some schools in addition to American families and in others in boarding dormitories.

Florida, California, Virginia is among the most popular states where you can get a high school education in America.

Quality of Candelas in Education in America

Candelas Education, which proves its quality in language education abroad, also meets the expectations of the students at the highest level in the education consultancy abroad. As in many countries, you can get advice from Candelas Education for education in the USA.

You can reach details about our study abroad programs and you can contact us on +90 (312) 431 78 96.