Study in Switzerland

Study in Switzerland

Switzerland offers unique welfare opportunities to its citizens, thanks to its high economic level and has a system which is modelled in many countries in terms of education. The Swiss federal government oversees national education, while 26 cantons effectively manage their state education systems. Each of them has its own education department, educational structure, school calendar, syllabus and they teach in different languages. This may make it difficult to move a child from one canton to another. However, although not all cantons agree, there is a nationwide initiative aimed at harmonizing some aspects of Swiss education, for example, the age and length of compulsory education.

All children residing in Switzerland (including foreigners) are usually required to attend school from age six to 15 years, depending on the canton; In cantons that agree to harmonization nationwide, education will also include two-year nurseries starting at the age of four.

Education System in Switzerland

If you are going to stay in Switzerland for a long time or have a younger child (primary age or younger), it may be best to send your child to the local public school. First, state education in Switzerland is excellent and free of charge and usually includes free public transport if your child cannot walk to school. Second, your child will learn the language quickly. The younger the child, the easier it will be. It will also integrate seamlessly into Swiss culture to the extent that isolation can be achieved in new homes.

Education in Switzerland is multilingual and can offer great career benefits to your children after the first shock of cultural differences. There is also language assistance to foreign students for at least the first year to facilitate your child's transition.

Older children who have already started their education may find it difficult to adapt to a new environment where they need to take difficult courses in a new language, although they receive support in Swiss schools. Some children may have to repeat a year when their language skills are not at the same level as their academic skills. English is taught as an early or second language in most schools, so communicating with peers is less worrying. While secondary education is divided into different ways in Switzerland, children need to have an idea of their early future.

University Education in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the first condition of education is language proficiency. In Switzerland, YGS-LYS scores are not effective when applying to schools in the country where there are 12 state, 10 cantonal universities and 2 Federal Institute of Technology. The diplomas and criteria recognized by each university and program are different.

Dental and veterinary faculties do not accept foreign students. German education The University of St. Gallen takes foreign students on their own exams. But the student can also take the GMAT, GRE or LSAT exam results instead. Turkish students may receive a technical or legal education. Average living expenses range from 21 thousand to 31 thousand Swiss francs.

Scholarships and Work Opportunities in Switzerland

Each year, the Swiss government provides research and postdoctoral fellowships to Turkish students. Announcements are made about from the Ministry of Education website in September and October in Turkey.

Students have a work permit of 15 hours per week in Switzerland. In addition, graduates are allowed 6 months for job search.