Lesson 63: Using SHOULD

  1. Positive:

    • "Should + verb1": Used to give a general recommendation or advice.
      • Example: You should eat more fruits.
    • "Should + subject + verb1": Used to give specific advice or recommendation to someone.
      • Example: She should study for the exam.
  2. Negative:

    • "Should + not + verb1" or "Shouldn't + verb1": Used to indicate that an action is not recommended.
      • Example: You shouldn't drink too much soda.
    • "Should + subject + not + verb1" or "Shouldn't + subject + verb1": Used to indicate that a specific person or group shouldn't perform an action.
      • Example: They shouldn't stay up late playing video games.
  3. Question:

    • "Should + subject + verb1" or "Should + subject + verb1 + ?": Used to ask for advice or recommendation.
      • Example: Should I take an umbrella?
    • "Should + verb1" or "Should + verb1 + ?": Used to ask for general advice or recommendation.
      • Example: Should we visit the museum tomorrow?

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