Lesson 61: Adverbs
"Adverbs" are words used in English to describe or modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
1. Showing How, When, Where or How Much Verbs Do: Adverbs are used to indicate how an action happens, when it happens, where it happens, or how often it happens. For example:
"She sings beautifully."
"They arrived early."
"He runs quickly."
"They rarely go to the movies."
2. Showing how or how much adjectives are: Adverbs are used to describe or modify adjectives or other adverbs. For example:
"She is very happy."
"The food smells deliciously."
"He speaks English fluently."
3. Adverbs of Time: Adverbs are also used to indicate the time of an event. For example:
"She will arrive tomorrow."
"He visited Paris last year."
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