Lesson 59: Comparisons with As...As, Less, But
The topic "Comparisons with as...as, less, but" covers some of the structures used to make comparisons in English.
1. "As...as" (as...up to): Used to indicate that two things are equal to each other. It is used with the structure "as + adjective + as". For example:
"She is as tall as her brother."
"This book is as interesting as that one."
2. "Less": Used to indicate that one thing is less than another. For example:
"He has less money than his friend."
"This car is less expensive than that one."
3. "But": In a sentence comparing two objects, the word "but" can be used to indicate a negative situation. For example:
"She is tall, but her brother is taller."
"The coffee is good, but the tea is better."
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