Lesson 56: Reduction of Relative Clauses (Adjective Clauses)

Reduction Rules:

  1. Removing the Relative Pronoun:

    • For subject relative clauses:

      • Original: "The woman who is standing there is my aunt."
      • Reduced: "The woman standing there is my aunt."
    • For object relative clauses:

      • Original: "The book that I bought yesterday is on the table."
      • Reduced: "The book (that) I bought yesterday is on the table." (The relative pronoun "that" can be omitted.)
  2. Removing the Auxiliary Verb:

    • For continuous tenses:

      • Original: "The man who was talking to my father is a famous actor."
      • Reduced: "The man talking to my father is a famous actor."
    • For perfect tenses:

      • Original: "The house that we have lived in for years is being sold."
      • Reduced: "The house (that) we’ve lived in for years is being sold." (The auxiliary verb "have" is omitted.)


  1. With Subject Relative Clauses:

    • Original: "The students who are taking the exam are nervous."
    • Reduced: "The students taking the exam are nervous."
  2. With Object Relative Clauses:

    • Original: "The car that he drives is very fast."
    • Reduced: "The car (that) he drives is very fast."

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