Lesson 55: Direct and Indirect Objects

"Direct and Indirect Objects" specifies what or whom an action directly affects and to whom or for whom the action is directed.

Direct Object: The direct object is the noun or pronoun that directly receives the action of the verb. It can often be asked with "what" or "whom" questions.


  • "She bought a book."  [The book is the direct object.]
  • "He eats an apple." [The apple is the direct object.]
  • "They watch a movie." [The movie is the direct object.]

Indirect Object: The indirect object specifies to whom or for whom the action of the verb is done. It can often be asked with "to whom" or "for whom" questions.


  • "She gave me a book." [Me is the indirect object.]
  • "He made his friend a sandwich." [His friend is the indirect object.]
  • "They bought their parents a gift."  [Their parents is the indirect object.]

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