Lesson 54: Using Whose, Where and When in Relative Clauses


  • Function: Shows possession.

  • Usage: Refers to people (and sometimes animals) to indicate ownership or relationship.

  • Structure: Noun + whose + Relative Clause


    • "The girl whose bike was stolen is my friend." 
    • "The dog whose tail is wagging is friendly." 


  • Function: Refers to a place.

  • Usage: Used to describe locations or places.

  • Structure: Noun + where + Relative Clause


    • "The house where I grew up is for sale." 
    • "The restaurant where we had dinner is closed." 


  • Function: Refers to time.

  • Usage: Used to talk about time or occasions.

  • Structure: Noun + when + Relative Clause


    • "The day when we met was rainy." 
    • "The moment when she arrived was unforgettable." 

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