Lesson 51: Word Order Of Adjectives

In English sentences, adjectives are usually placed in a particular order.

  1. Opinion: Adjectives expressing an opinion or judgment about the subject or object.
  2. Size: Adjectives indicating the size or magnitude of the subject or object.
  3. Age: Adjectives denoting the age of the subject or object.
  4. Shape: Adjectives describing the shape or form of the subject or object.
  5. Color: Adjectives specifying the color of the subject or object.
  6. Origin: Adjectives indicating the origin or source of the subject or object.
  7. Material: Adjectives denoting the material from which the subject or object is made.
  8. Purpose: Adjectives expressing the purpose or function of the subject or object.

While this order is not strictly mandatory, it helps to ensure coherence and natural flow in sentences.


  • "She bought a beautiful small round Italian wooden table."
  • "He lives in an old large stone house."
  • "I need a new black leather bag."
  • "They visited a historic Spanish colonial city."

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