Lesson 46: Too + Adjective

The construction "too + adjective" is used to express that a certain quality is excessive or undesirable when referring to a subject or object. This construction is used to emphasize a situation that exceeds a certain limit or is outside the expected norm.

"The soup is too salty."

"She is too tired to go out tonight." 

"The movie was too long and boring." 

This construction is often used to express negativity or dissatisfaction and indicates an undesirable situation.

The constructions "too many" and "too much" are used to express situations that are excessive in quantity or number. They are used with countable and uncountable nouns respectively.

Too many: Used with countable nouns and expresses an excessive number of something.

"There are too many books on the shelf."

Too much: Used with uncountable nouns and expresses an excessive amount of something.

"There is too much sugar in my coffee." 

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