Lesson 42: Past and Future Time Clauses (Before, After, When)

Past Simple Clauses:

Before: This indicates that one action happened before another action.

"I finished my homework before I went to bed."

After: This means that one action takes place after another action.

"She watched TV after she had dinner." 

When: This refers to the time when an action is indicated when another action takes place.

"She was sleeping when the phone rang."

Future Tense Clauses:
Before: This indicates that one action will take place before another action.

"I will eat lunch before I go to work."

After: This indicates that one action will take place after another action.

"He will call you after he finishes his meeting."

When: This specifies the time when an action occurs or will occur when another action occurs.

"I will go to the store when I finish work." 


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