Lesson 40: Prefer, Like...better and Would rather
- Usage: "Prefer" is used to express a stronger liking or choice for one thing over another.
- Structure: [Subject] + prefer(s) + [noun/verb + -ing] + [to] + [noun/verb + -ing]
- Examples:
- "I prefer tea to coffee." (I like tea more than coffee.)
- "She prefers reading to watching TV." (She likes reading more than watching TV.)
- Usage: "Like...better" is used to compare two things and indicate that you like one more than the other.
- Structure: [Subject] + like(s) + [noun/verb + -ing] + better than + [noun/verb + -ing]
- Examples:
- "I like chocolate better than vanilla." (I prefer chocolate to vanilla.)
- "He likes swimming better than running." (He prefers swimming to running.)
Would Rather
- Usage: "Would rather" is used to indicate a preference for one thing over another, often implying a choice in the present or future.
- Structure: [Subject] + would rather + [base form of the verb] + (than) + [base form of the verb]
- Examples:
- "I would rather go to the beach than stay at home." (I prefer going to the beach instead of staying at home.)
- "She would rather eat out tonight." (She prefers eating out tonight.)
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