Lesson 30: Using Few, A Few, Little and A Little
Few vs. A Few
- Few and a few are used with countable nouns (nouns that can be counted).
- Meaning: Indicates a small number, often with a negative or insufficient connotation.
- Example: "Few people attended the meeting."
- Implies that not many people attended, and it might not have been enough.
A Few
- Meaning: Indicates a small number, but with a more positive or sufficient connotation.
- Example: "A few people attended the meeting."
- Implies that some people attended, and it was enough for the meeting.
Little vs. A Little
- Little and a little are used with uncountable nouns (nouns that cannot be counted).
- Meaning: Indicates a small amount, often with a negative or insufficient connotation.
- Example: "There is little water in the bottle."
- Implies that there is not much water, and it might not be enough.
A Little
- Meaning: Indicates a small amount, but with a more positive or sufficient connotation.
- Example: "There is a little water in the bottle."
- Implies that there is some water, and it is enough for the need.
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