Lesson 3: Frequency Adverbs

Common Frequency Adverbs and Their Uses:

  1. Always:

    • I always eat breakfast.
    • Indicates that the action happens all the time.
  2. Usually:

    • She usually goes to the gym.
    • Indicates that the action happens most of the time.
  3. Often:

    • We often watch movies on weekends.
    • Indicates that the action happens frequently.
  4. Sometimes:

    • He sometimes visits his grandparents.
    • Indicates that the action happens occasionally.
  5. Rarely:

    • They rarely eat out.
    • Indicates that the action happens infrequently.
  6. Never:

    • I never smoke.
    • Indicates that the action does not happen at all.

Usage in Sentences:

  • Simple Present Tense: Frequency adverbs typically come between the subject and the main verb.
    • She always drinks coffee in the morning.
  • Present Continuous Tense: Frequency adverbs come after the "be" verb.
    • He is always working on something new.


  1. I always read before bed.
  2. They usually take the bus to work.
  3. We often have meetings on Mondays.
  4. She sometimes forgets her keys.
  5. He rarely gets sick.
  6. I never eat fast food.

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