Lesson 21: Indefinite Nouns, General Nouns, Collective Nouns
Indefinite Nouns
Indefinite nouns refer to non-specific items or people. They are used with the articles "a" and "an."
- Using "a" and "an": These articles are used with singular, countable nouns.
- "A" is used before words that begin with a consonant sound: a book, a car, a dog.
- "An" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound: an apple, an elephant, an hour.
Example sentences:
- She wants to buy a car.
- He ate an apple.
General Nouns
General nouns refer to any member of a group or category. They are often used in the plural form or as uncountable nouns.
Plural nouns: Refer to any members of a group.
- Cats are great pets.
- Books can be very informative.
Uncountable nouns: Refer to substances or abstract concepts that cannot be counted.
- Water is essential for life.
- Happiness is important.
Example sentences:
- Cars are expensive.
- Water is vital for survival.
Collective Nouns
Collective nouns refer to a group of people, animals, or things considered as a single unit. They are usually treated as singular.
- Examples of collective nouns:
- A team of players
- A family of four
- A flock of birds
- A pack of wolves
Example sentences:
- The team is winning the match.
- The family is going on vacation.
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