Lesson 17: Using How, How often, How far and How long


"How" is used to ask about the method, manner, or condition of something. It helps you understand the way something is done or the state of something.

  • How do you make this dish?
    You need to follow this recipe.

  • How is your new job?
    It's great!

How often

"How often" asks about the frequency of an event or action. It helps determine how regularly something happens.

  • How often do you exercise?
    I exercise three times a week.

  • How often do you go to the dentist?
    I go to the dentist twice a year.

How far

"How far" is used to inquire about the distance between places or objects. It tells you how much distance is involved.

  • How far is the airport from here?
    It’s about 10 kilometers away.

  • How far is your school from your home?
    It’s a 15-minute walk.

How long

"How long" asks about the duration of an event or situation. It helps you find out how much time something takes or how long something lasts.

  • How long does it take to get to the station?
    It takes about 20 minutes.

  • How long have you been living here?
    I have been living here for five years.

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