Lesson 1: Simple Present Tense


  1. General Facts: The sun rises in the east.
  2. Habits/Routines: I go to school every day.
  3. Permanent Situations: He lives in London.
  4. Schedules: The train leaves at 9 AM.

Affirmative Sentences:

  • I/You/We/They play soccer.
  • He/She/It plays soccer. (Add "s" to the verb for third person singular.)

Negative Sentences:

  • I/You/We/They do not (don't) play soccer.
  • He/She/It does not (doesn't) play soccer.


  • Do I/you/we/they play soccer?
  • Does he/she/it play soccer?

Frequency Adverbs:

  • Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never.


  • She always gets up early.

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