Learning English More Effectively

Learning English More Effectively

Learning English More Effectively

Is speaking English a mental activity or a physical activity? This question is important for both instructors and English learners. Language learners often think that speaking English is a mental activity. However, learning how to speak English better is actually very similar to a new physical skill learning process such as dancing, skiing and even cycling. In this respect, the answer to the question will also be somewhat complicated. In other words, we can say that English is both a physical and mental activity. In this article, we will compare the process of developing your speaking skills with learning a new sport. In the beginning, you will understand why speaking English is so difficult and how to improve your speaking skills!

The First Step to Learning to Speak English

If you have decided that you want to learn to ski, it is probably best to take a lesson, so you will know what you need to do to reach the bottom of the hill in one piece! Knowing what to do doesn't mean you won't fall, make a mistake, or have to think about what you are doing.

Your instructor wants to make sure you know how to turn around. After explaining how to do it, you realize that as soon as you start going down the hill, you need to put more pressure on your right leg to return.

When you try to follow the instructions for the first time, you start pressing on your leg, but the ski does not turn too much and you immediately fall! However, after trying to do the same thing several times, you will learn how to return.

Practicing to Speak Better

We can open up to the world by speaking English. To learn to speak English well, you need to start with some basic information (which you already have): basic grammar rules, such as basic pronunciation, common vocabulary and how to conjugate a verb.

Even if you know the words and learned how to put the sentence together, you might think that it is really difficult when you try to speak English. Your brain tries to take action based on the information stored in your brain while focusing on learning individual activities and rules. When you speak, your thoughts come by themselves. To configure the sentence correctly, you need to remember the various rules and remember the correct words when trying to speak loudly with good pronunciation. Every time you speak a new word while speaking or remember the grammar rule, you improve your speaking skills. This is the process of remembering and using your knowledge.

Speaking English at first is slow and disturbing. After using the most common words hundreds of times and putting together different grammatical structures, remembering this information becomes faster and easier. Fluent speech improves when you use your English 'knowledge' with 'the act of' speaking '. When we think of all this together, we see that speaking is necessary to speak English well. Just as you should learn a sport, plenty of training.

With Candelas Online Education opportunities, you can learn English by speaking.