How does learning English make a difference in our lives?

How does learning English make a difference in our lives?

How does learning English make a difference in our lives?

English is the most spoken language in the world today. The fact that so many people speak this language causes differences in many points in life. One of the first questions you will be asked when you go to an interview to work in a workplace is whether you speak English. Many businesses do not want to hire people who do not speak English. If you do not speak English, it will be tough for you to communicate abroad. When you take a look at what is going on in the world and what countries' agendas are, you will probably see the news in English. Learning English, which is one of today's conditions, will have many positive effects on your life. Although some of these effects are directly visible, you cannot see some of them. We can give an example of the increase in your self-confidence in the invisible effects. If you learn and speak a different language other than your mother tongue and communicate with different people, this will increase your self-confidence. The increased self-confidence will also give you the power to cope with other challenges of life. The differences that English learning will bring to your life are as follows.

The Place of English in Your Career

Whether or not you know English before starting your business life after studying university is an important point that will determine your entire career. Speaking English very intensely in your life will make it difficult for you to find a job in many fields. Since most countries are doing a lot of import and export today, knowing English will enable you to communicate with your business partners in other countries.


If you want to get a good undergraduate, graduate, or master's degree, knowing English will greatly contribute to you. Most universities in the world offer their education in English. You need to know English to study in good universities like other students and live your future life as you wish.

Social life

The impact of English on social life is more than you ever thought. You may need to know English to make friends with different people from the social media applications you are using most simply. You can easily understand the movies, series, and music that you want to watch, you can not watch, but you can listen to if you learn English. Knowing English will help you to learn about different cultures.


If you do not want your travel to disturb you on individual or business trips, you should start learning English. In countries where you want to travel individually, it will help you learn English to express your needs during your holiday process or when you encounter a problem. If you learn English while saying a product you want to buy, traveling from place to place in the country you go, you will have no difficulty in all these situations. On business trips, the situations you will encounter when you do not speak English will annoy you greatly. If you cannot understand what is spoken during the meeting or cannot express yourself when you have speaking, this may cause a lack of self-confidence and may also be fired in your business.

Different Horizons

If you learn any foreign language, you can see the world in different ways. When you learn English, you can better understand the problems and conversations of different people, and your view of the world may become quite different.


We can compare the brain to a piece of iron. Continuously processed iron shines, and unprocessed iron will rust. Language learning is an event that allows us to make the brain brilliant. As soon as you start learning English, learning English's grammatical structure, the meanings and pronunciation of words are one of the most important activities that will improve your brain. Also, learning English makes a great contribution to improving your memory. Keeping every word, you learn in English in your memory will make your brain healthier and more active. A more active brain will help you learn English and your life as never before.