English Courses for Companies and institutions

English Courses for Companies and institutions

English and Language Courses for Companies and Institutions

As we know, the locomotive language of the global economy is English. The sovereignty and importance of English is an undeniable fact all over the world both in the economic and political and bureaucratic fields. So much so that English became a “lingua franca” in the world and became a world language.

Trade is possible by mutual agreement and the most important building block of mutual agreement is the common communication language. Many countries that are aware of this reality send flock students to English-speaking countries. It is known that people receive language education everywhere from Canada to America, from Australia to Ukraine in Kiev.

In order for our institutions to be fully integrated into the global system, to take a strong place in this system, it is necessary to have a full command of the foreign language, and even our multilingual employees to fill different sectors and institutions in our country.

We believe that the shorter this process, the shorter it will be for us to take an active part in the global world. From this perspective, we organized sectoral foreign language education for you.

Our experience shows that providing foreign language education according to different sectors cannot be concluded positively with the classical course approach. Although it allows the employees of companies or institutions to offer courses, it is not possible to attend courses outside the institution regularly due to the intensity of the work tempo.

Sectoral Foreign Language Education with Candelas Quality

We changed the concept of foreign language education in Turkey from top to bottom. Learn English really, with the Candelas Academy difference. You will no longer have to take courses only. You will receive special training to help you place your English and foreign language education at the center of your life. Specialist instructors will mobilize all opportunities for your personal development.

We provide English and other foreign language training on site to all companies and public institutions from different sectors of business life. In addition, if institutions and companies have special expectations, we determine the training process and form in line with these expectations.

We enable professional trainers in their field to offer training services in educational environments organized by our institutions or companies. We believe that companies or institutions will contribute greatly both to the development of their staff and to their own development by providing such training services within their organization.

Receiving training services in this way will both save you time and help you take your place in the global world.

You do not have to be in Ankara to meet Candelas quality. Candelas Online English Courses are available for companies or institutions outside Ankara. We create special programs for those who wish and provide on-site training.



Please feel free to contact us about the details of these programs…


Telephone: +90 312 431 78 96

Mobile: +90 505 287 30 20