Lesson 7: Present Perfect Tense


  1. To Describe Actions That Happened at an Unspecified Time:

    • Used when the exact time of the action is not important or not mentioned.
      • Example: "I have visited Paris." (The exact time of the visit is not specified.)
  2. To Describe Recent Actions:

    • Used to describe actions that have recently occurred and are relevant to the present moment.
      • Example: "She has just finished her homework."
  3. To Describe Experiences:

    • Used to describe experiences someone has had up to the present.
      • Example: "They have traveled to many countries."
  4. To Describe Actions with Present Relevance:

    • Used to describe actions that started in the past and continue to have relevance in the present.
      • Example: "He has lived in London for five years." (He still lives in London.)

Structure of Positive Sentences:

  • Subject + has/have + past participle (V3).
    • Example: "She has visited the museum."

Structure of Negative Sentences:

  • Subject + has/have + not + past participle (V3).
    • Example: "They have not (haven't) eaten breakfast."

Structure of Question Sentences:

  • Has/Have + subject + past participle (V3)?
    • Example: "Have you seen this movie?"

Common Time Expressions:

  • Just, already, yet, ever, never, since, for.


  • Positive: "I have read that book."
  • Negative: "He hasn't finished his project."
  • Question: "Have you ever been to Japan?"

Usage in Context:

  • Unspecified Time: "I have met him before."
  • Recent Actions: "We have just come back from vacation."
  • Life Experiences: "She has never tried sushi."
  • Ongoing Actions: "They have lived here since 2010."

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