Lesson 6: Past Continuous Tense


  1. To Describe an Ongoing Past Action:

    • It describes an action that was happening at a particular moment in the past.
      • Example: "I was reading a book at 8 PM."
  2. To Show Two Simultaneous Past Actions:

    • It shows two or more actions happening at the same time in the past.
      • Example: "While she was cooking, he was cleaning the house."
  3. To Describe Background Actions:

    • It provides background actions that set the scene for another action in the past.
      • Example: "The children were playing outside when it started to rain."

Structure of Positive Sentences:

  • Subject + was/were + verb + -ing.
    • Example: "She was studying all night."

Structure of Negative Sentences:

  • Subject + was/were + not + verb + -ing.
    • Example: "They were not watching TV."

Structure of Question Sentences:

  • Was/Were + subject + verb + -ing?
    • Example: "Was he working on the project?"

Time Expressions Often Used with Past Continuous:

  • While, when, as.


  • Positive: "I was walking to the store when I saw her."
  • Negative: "He wasn't listening to music."
  • Question: "Were you sleeping when I called?"

Usage in Context:

  • Interrupted Actions: "I was taking a shower when the phone rang."
  • Simultaneous Actions: "They were laughing while he was telling jokes."

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