Have - Has Aitlik Yapıları ve Kullanımları

Singular (Tekil Yapı)

I have a car.

You have a house.

She has a bag.

He has a BMW car.

It has water.

Plural (Çoğul Yapı)

We have time.

They have a house.

You have money.

Possessive Adjectives / Aitlik Sıfatları

My car is Mercedes.   

Benim arabam Mercedes.

Your bag is big.       

Senin çantan büyük.

His houses are expensive.   

Onun evleri pahalı.

Her bag is red.           

Onun çantası kırmızı.

Its eyes are beautiful.               

Onun gözleri çok güzel.

Our home is small.

Evimiz küçük.

Their school is nice.       

Onların okulu güzel.


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Other Lessons

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 1: Noun + Is + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn (Have-Has Possessive Structures and usages of possessive adjectives). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 2: Noun + Are + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn (Have-Has Possessive Structures and usages of possessive adjectives). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 3: Pronoun + Be + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn (Have-Has Possessive Structures and usages of possessive adjectives). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 4: Be + Adjective

In this lesson, you will learn (Have-Has Possessive Structures and usages of possessive adjectives). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 5: Be + Location

In this lesson, you will learn (Have-Has Possessive Structures and usages of possessive adjectives). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)