1. Adjective +er +than: This construction is used to compare a characteristic of two objects or people. "-er" is added to the end of the Adjective, followed by "than" to indicate the object being compared. For example:
"She is taller than her brother."
"The cat is faster than the dog."

2. More + adjective + than: This construction is used for longer or more complex adjectives. The word "more" precedes the adjective and is followed by "than" to indicate the object being compared. For example:
"She is more intelligent than her classmates."
"The movie was more exciting than I expected." 

These constructions show how adjectives can be modified when used to compare objects or people. The construction "Adjective +er +than" is usually used for adjectives with one syllable, while the construction "more + adjective + than" is preferred for longer or more complex adjectives. 

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Other Lessons

26 July 2024, Friday

Lesson 1: Noun + Is + Noun

Constructions used to make comparisons in English include "adjective +er +than" and "more + adjective + than". These constructions allow you to make comparisons by specifying the characteristics of objects or people. You can find our full course on the Udemy platform.

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 2: Noun + Are + Noun

Constructions used to make comparisons in English include "adjective +er +than" and "more + adjective + than". These constructions allow you to make comparisons by specifying the characteristics of objects or people. You can find our full course on the Udemy platform.

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 3: Pronoun + Be + Noun

Constructions used to make comparisons in English include "adjective +er +than" and "more + adjective + than". These constructions allow you to make comparisons by specifying the characteristics of objects or people. You can find our full course on the Udemy platform.

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 4: Be + Adjective

Constructions used to make comparisons in English include "adjective +er +than" and "more + adjective + than". These constructions allow you to make comparisons by specifying the characteristics of objects or people. You can find our full course on the Udemy platform.

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 5: Be + Location

Constructions used to make comparisons in English include "adjective +er +than" and "more + adjective + than". These constructions allow you to make comparisons by specifying the characteristics of objects or people. You can find our full course on the Udemy platform.