Possessives in Nouns: In possessive structures, nouns indicate the ownership of a specific person or thing. These structures are typically formed using "'s" or just an apostrophe.
- Examples:
- "Tom's car"
- "Sarah's book"
- "The dog's tail"
- Examples:
Possessives with Adjectives: Possessive structures, used with adjectives, specify another person or object to which a person or thing belongs.
- Examples:
- "My father's car"
- "Her brother's house"
- "Their friend's dog"
- Examples:
Possessives with Question Patterns: Question patterns are used to inquire about a person's or thing's ownership. Typically, the word "Whose" is used to form these questions.
- Examples:
- "Whose book is this?"
- "Whose bag is on the table?"
- "Whose phone rang?"
- Examples:
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