
Main Clause + Relative Pronoun + Preposition + Object


  1. With People:

    • Preposition at the end:
      • "The person who I was talking to is my teacher." 
    • Preposition at the beginning (formal or in writing):
      • "The person to whom I was talking is my teacher." 
  2. With Things:

    • Preposition at the end:
      • "The book which I am interested in is on the table." 
    • Preposition at the beginning (formal or in writing):
      • "The book in which I am interested is on the table." 


  • Informal vs. Formal: In informal speech, it's common to place the preposition at the end of the relative clause. In more formal contexts, the preposition can be placed at the beginning, before the relative pronoun.

  • Avoiding Prepositions: Sometimes, the preposition can be omitted if it doesn't change the meaning.

    • "The place where we met is closed." 

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Other Lessons

16 September 2024, Monday

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Prepositions in relative clauses are used to show relationships between nouns and other elements in a sentence. Prepositions can appear either at the end of the relative clause or, in more formal contexts, at the beginning. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.

16 September 2024, Monday

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17 September 2024, Tuesday

Lesson 5: Simple Past Tense

Prepositions in relative clauses are used to show relationships between nouns and other elements in a sentence. Prepositions can appear either at the end of the relative clause or, in more formal contexts, at the beginning. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.