İngilizcede konum bildiren yapılar

Be + Location

Be fiili + Konum

She is here.

O burada.

He is there.

O orada.

The children are upstairs.

Çocuklar yukarıda.

My parents are downstairs.

Ailem aşağıda.

The students are inside.

Çocuklar içeride.

The students aren’t outside.

Çocuklar dışarıda değil.

They are downtown.

Onlar şehir merkezinde.

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 

He is at the bus stop.

O otobüs durağında.

The students are outside the library.

Çocuklar dışarıda kütüphanede.

Angela is in a shop.

Angela bir dükkanda.

They are at work.

Onlar işte.

My house is at the end of the street.

Evim sokağın sonunda.

The books are on the shelf.

Kitaplar rafta.

The post office is next to the hospital.

Postahane hastanenin bitişiğinde.


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Other Lessons

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Lesson 1: Noun + Is + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn (Be + Location) sentence structures. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 2: Noun + Are + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn (Be + Location) sentence structures. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

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Lesson 3: Pronoun + Be + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn (Be + Location) sentence structures. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

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Lesson 4: Be + Adjective

In this lesson, you will learn (Be + Location) sentence structures. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 5: Be + Location

In this lesson, you will learn (Be + Location) sentence structures. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)