Condition constructs express the probabilities of events that depend on conditions. The zero conditional expresses general truths; the first conditional expresses situations that have a high probability of occurring in the future; the second conditional expresses situations that are unlikely or unlikely to occur.

Zero Conditional:

Zero conditional expresses conditions that are general and highly probable.

If + present simple, present simple

"If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils." 

First Conditional:

The first conditional expresses conditions that are likely to happen in the future.

If + present simple, will + bare infinitive (or can/may/might + bare infinitive)

"If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home."

Second Conditional:

The second conditional expresses conditions that are unlikely or improbable to happen.

If + past simple, would + bare infinitive (or could/might + bare infinitive)

"If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world."

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Other Lessons

26 July 2024, Friday

Lesson 1: Noun + Is + Noun

By learning if clauses, we learn what kind of outcomes will happen under certain conditions. These structures help us express time and probability and are used in communication. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 2: Noun + Are + Noun

By learning if clauses, we learn what kind of outcomes will happen under certain conditions. These structures help us express time and probability and are used in communication. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 3: Pronoun + Be + Noun

By learning if clauses, we learn what kind of outcomes will happen under certain conditions. These structures help us express time and probability and are used in communication. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 4: Be + Adjective

By learning if clauses, we learn what kind of outcomes will happen under certain conditions. These structures help us express time and probability and are used in communication. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 5: Be + Location

By learning if clauses, we learn what kind of outcomes will happen under certain conditions. These structures help us express time and probability and are used in communication. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.