- Usage: "Must" expresses strong necessity or obligation. It often reflects the speaker’s own opinion or a rule they consider important.
- Form: [Subject] + must + [base form of the verb]
- Examples:
- "You must wear a seatbelt." (It is essential.)
- "She must finish her homework before playing." (It’s a requirement.)
Have To
- Usage: "Have to" indicates necessity or obligation that comes from external circumstances, rules, or other people. It suggests a requirement that is not within the speaker's control.
- Form: [Subject] + have to + [base form of the verb]
- Examples:
- "I have to work late tonight." (My boss requires it.)
- "They have to take the exam." (The school requires it.)
Have Got To
- Usage: "Have got to" is similar to "have to" and is used to express necessity. It is more common in informal spoken English.
- Form: [Subject] + have got to + [base form of the verb]
- Examples:
- "I've got to go now." (I need to leave.)
- "She's got to see this movie." (She really needs to see it.)
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