The simple past tense is a grammatical form used to talk about past events or actions. To form questions and negatives in this tense, we typically use the auxiliary verb "did" followed by the base form of the main verb.

For instance, in a simple past tense statement like "I played tennis yesterday", we can turn it into a question by switching the word order and adding "did": "Did I play tennis yesterday?" Similarly, to create a negative statement, we use "did not" or "didn't": "I didn't play tennis yesterday."

Some irregular verbs have different forms in the simple past tense, for example, "went" instead of "goed". However, when creating questions and negatives, we still use "did" and the base form of the verb. For example: "Did you go to the party last night?" or "I didn't go to the party last night."

It's crucial to note that the simple past tense is used for completed actions or events that happened at a particular time in the past. The past participle (e.g. "played", "went") is reserved for past perfect tense and passive voice constructions.

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