Regular and Irregular Verbs in the Simple Past Tense / Geçmiş Zaman Düzenli ve Düzensiz Fiiller Konu Anlatımı

Bu derste geçmiş zamanda kullanılan düzenli ve düzensiz fiilleri görürsünüz.


go - went - gone

come - came - come

be - was - were - been 

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Other Lessons

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 1: Noun + Is + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn "Simple Past Tense with Regular Verbs" and how to use them in a sentence. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 2: Noun + Are + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn "Simple Past Tense with Regular Verbs" and how to use them in a sentence. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 3: Pronoun + Be + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn "Simple Past Tense with Regular Verbs" and how to use them in a sentence. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 4: Be + Adjective

In this lesson, you will learn "Simple Past Tense with Regular Verbs" and how to use them in a sentence. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

5 June 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 5: Be + Location

In this lesson, you will learn "Simple Past Tense with Regular Verbs" and how to use them in a sentence. This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)