1. Possessive Nouns (Sahiplik İsimleri)

Possessive nouns show ownership or possession. They indicate that something belongs to someone or something.

  • To form possessive nouns, add 's (apostrophe + s) to the end of a singular noun or to plural nouns that do not end in -s.

    • Example: John’s book (John’un kitabı) — The book belongs to John.
    • Example: The children’s toys (Çocukların oyuncakları) — The toys belong to the children.
  • For plural nouns that already end in -s, add only an apostrophe '.

    • Example: The teachers’ lounge (Öğretmenler odası) — The lounge belongs to the teachers.

2. Nouns Used as Adjectives (Sıfat Olarak Kullanılan İsimler)

Sometimes, nouns can be used to describe other nouns, acting like adjectives. This means one noun modifies another noun to give more information about it.

  • To use a noun as an adjective, place it before the noun it describes.

    • Example: A coffee cup (Bir kahve fincanı) — The cup is used for coffee.
    • Example: A car engine (Bir araba motoru) — The engine is part of a car.
  • Nouns used as adjectives do not change form or add any special endings. They simply come before the noun they modify.

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Other Lessons

17 July 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 1: Simple Present Tense

While possessive nouns indicate who owns something, nouns used as adjectives are used to describe other nouns and are placed before them. The full course is available on Udemy.

17 July 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 2: Present Continuous Tense

While possessive nouns indicate who owns something, nouns used as adjectives are used to describe other nouns and are placed before them. The full course is available on Udemy.

11 August 2024, Sunday

Lesson 3: Frequency Adverbs

While possessive nouns indicate who owns something, nouns used as adjectives are used to describe other nouns and are placed before them. The full course is available on Udemy.

17 July 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 4: Stative and Non-Stative Verbs

While possessive nouns indicate who owns something, nouns used as adjectives are used to describe other nouns and are placed before them. The full course is available on Udemy.

17 July 2024, Wednesday

Lesson 5: Simple Past Tense

While possessive nouns indicate who owns something, nouns used as adjectives are used to describe other nouns and are placed before them. The full course is available on Udemy.