1. Regular Plural Nouns
Regular plural nouns follow a consistent rule to form their plural. Typically, you just add "-s" or "-es" to the end of the singular noun.
**Add "-s":
- Example: cat → cats
- Example: book → books
**Add "-es":
- This is used when a singular noun ends in -s, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z.
- Example: bus → buses
- Example: box → boxes
2. Irregular Plural Nouns
Irregular plural nouns do not follow the standard rules and often change in unpredictable ways. You need to memorize these forms as they don’t follow a fixed pattern.
Change the vowel:
- Example: man → men
- Example: woman → women
Change the word completely:
- Example: child → children
- Example: foot → feet
Same form for both singular and plural:
- Example: sheep → sheep
- Example: deer → deer
Some nouns have unique plural forms:
- Example: mouse → mice
- Example: goose → geese
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