1. Other
"Other" is generally used with plural nouns and uncountable nouns.
With plural nouns:
- Do you have other questions?
- I saw other people at the party.
With uncountable nouns:
- We need other information.
- Can you provide other advice?
2. Another
"Another" is used with singular nouns and means "one more" or "a different one."
- With singular nouns:
- Can I have another cup of coffee?
- She needs another pen.
3. Others
"Others" is a plural pronoun used to refer to "other people" or "other things."
- As a pronoun:
- Some students arrived early, but others came late.
- I finished my work, but others are still working.
4. The Other
"The other" refers to the remaining one in a specific group.
- With singular nouns:
- I have two books. One is mine, the other is yours.
- She has two brothers. One lives in New York, the other lives in London.
5. The Others
"The others" refers to the remaining people or things in a specific group.
- As a pronoun:
- I have three dogs. One is black, and the others are brown.
- She invited five friends to the party. Two arrived early, the others came later.
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