- Usage: Used to connect two items or actions that are both true or applicable.
- Structure: Both + Item 1 + and + Item 2
- Example: "She likes both pizza and pasta."
Not Only/But Also
- Usage: Used to emphasize that two things are true, with the second being an additional point or stronger emphasis.
- Structure: Not only + Item 1 + but also + Item 2
- Example: "He is not only a good student but also a talented athlete."
- Usage: Used to present two alternatives, where only one option is possible.
- Structure: Either + Option 1 + or + Option 2
- Example: "You can either stay home or go to the party."
- Usage: Used to indicate that neither of the two presented options is true or applicable.
- Structure: Neither + Option 1 + nor + Option 2
- Example: "She likes neither coffee nor tea."
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