How to Reduce Adverb Clauses:

  1. When the adverb clause has the same subject as the main clause:

    • Original: "When she was walking to school, she saw a cat."
    • Reduced: "Walking to school, she saw a cat."
  2. When the adverb clause includes "when," "while," "before," or "after":

    • Original: "He was tired because he stayed up late."
    • Reduced: "Staying up late, he was tired."
  3. When the adverb clause has "if," "unless," "provided that," or "as long as":

    • Original: "If you finish your homework, you can go out."
    • Reduced: "Finished your homework, you can go out."
  4. When the adverb clause includes "because":

    • Original: "She was late because she missed the bus."
    • Reduced: "Missing the bus, she was late."

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Other Lessons

16 September 2024, Monday

Lesson 1: Simple Present Tense

Reduction of adverb clauses involves simplifying these clauses to make sentences shorter and more concise. This is done by removing some parts of the clause while retaining its meaning. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.

16 September 2024, Monday

Lesson 2: Present Continuous Tense

Reduction of adverb clauses involves simplifying these clauses to make sentences shorter and more concise. This is done by removing some parts of the clause while retaining its meaning. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.

16 September 2024, Monday

Lesson 3: Frequency Adverbs

Reduction of adverb clauses involves simplifying these clauses to make sentences shorter and more concise. This is done by removing some parts of the clause while retaining its meaning. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.

17 September 2024, Tuesday

Lesson 4: Stative and Non-Stative Verbs

Reduction of adverb clauses involves simplifying these clauses to make sentences shorter and more concise. This is done by removing some parts of the clause while retaining its meaning. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.

17 September 2024, Tuesday

Lesson 5: Simple Past Tense

Reduction of adverb clauses involves simplifying these clauses to make sentences shorter and more concise. This is done by removing some parts of the clause while retaining its meaning. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.