Usage: To say that two or more things or people are exactly identical.
Structure: Same + Noun
- "We have the same book."
- "She wore the same dress as her sister."
Usage: To say that two or more things or people are not exactly the same but share some characteristics.
Structure: Similar to + Noun
- "These two paintings are similar."
- "His opinion is similar to mine."
Usage: To say that two or more things or people are not the same.
Structure: Different from + Noun
- "Her dress is different from mine."
- "This book is different from the one I read."
Usage: To show that two things or people have some similarities.
Structure: Like + Noun
- "She looks like her mother."
- "This cake tastes like chocolate."
Usage: To say that two or more things or people are very similar or the same in some ways.
Structure: Alike + Noun or Alike in + Noun
- "The twins look very alike."
- "They are alike in their opinions."
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