The expressions "All of, Most of, Some of, One of, None of" are commonly used to specify a quantity or amount.
All of: Used to indicate the entirety of a group.
- "I ate all of the cookies."
- "She read all of the books."
Most of: Used to indicate the majority of a group.
- "Most of the students passed the exam."
- "She ate most of the pizza."
Some of: Used to indicate a portion of a group.
- "Some of the flowers are red."
- "He knows some of the answers."
One of: Used to indicate only one item from a group.
- "She is one of my best friends."
- "This is one of the best movies I've seen."
None of: Used to indicate none or zero items from a group.
- "None of the apples were ripe."
- "None of the students were absent."
These expressions are important for learners to understand as they describe quantity or amount, and can help expand vocabulary and comprehension of natural English usage.
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