Present Progressive
- Structure: [Modal] + be + [verb + -ing]
- Examples:
- Must be doing: "He must be working now." (He is almost certainly working now.)
- Can’t be doing: "She can't be sleeping now." (It's impossible that she is sleeping now.)
- May be doing: "They may be playing outside." (It's possible they are playing outside.)
- Might be doing: "She might be studying." (It's possible she is studying.)
Past Progressive
- Structure: [Modal] + have been + [verb + -ing]
- Examples:
- Must have been doing: "He must have been working yesterday." (He was almost certainly working yesterday.)
- Could have been doing: "She could have been sleeping when I called." (It's possible she was sleeping when I called.)
- Might have been doing: "They might have been playing outside yesterday." (It's possible they were playing outside yesterday.)
Combining Modals
Sometimes, we combine different modals to express more complex meanings. Instead of using two modals together, we combine a modal with auxiliary verbs.
Present Tense
- Should + be + verb-ing
- Example: "You should be studying now." (It's advisable that you are studying now.)
- Could + be + verb-ing
- Example: "He could be sleeping right now." (It's possible he is sleeping right now.)
- Might + be + verb-ing
- Example: "She might be working on her project." (It's possible she is working on her project.)
Past Tense
- Should + have been + verb-ing
- Example: "You should have been studying last night." (It would have been advisable for you to be studying last night.)
- Could + have been + verb-ing
- Example: "He could have been sleeping when you called." (It's possible he was sleeping when you called.)
- Might + have been + verb-ing
- Example: "She might have been working on her project last night." (It's possible she was working on her project last night.)
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