Present Tense
Certain (100%)
- Example: "She is at home."
- Explanation: You are sure that she is at home.
Almost Certain (90%)
- Example: "She must be at home."
- Explanation: You are very sure she is at home based on evidence or knowledge.
Possible (50%)
- Example: "She may be at home."
- Example: "She might be at home."
- Explanation: There is a possibility that she is at home, but you are not sure.
Less Certain (30%)
- Example: "She could be at home."
- Explanation: It's less likely, but still possible.
Not Certain (0%)
- Example: "She can't be at home."
- Explanation: You are sure that she is not at home.
Past Tense
Certain (100%)
- Example: "She was at home."
- Explanation: You are sure that she was at home.
Almost Certain (90%)
- Example: "She must have been at home."
- Explanation: You are very sure she was at home based on evidence or knowledge.
Possible (50%)
- Example: "She may have been at home."
- Example: "She might have been at home."
- Explanation: There is a possibility that she was at home, but you are not sure.
Less Certain (30%)
- Example: "She could have been at home."
- Explanation: It's less likely, but still possible.
Not Certain (0%)
- Example: "She can't have been at home."
- Explanation: You are sure that she was not at home.
Future Tense
Certain (100%)
- Example: "She will be at home."
- Explanation: You are sure that she will be at home.
Almost Certain (90%)
- Example: "She must be at home."
- Explanation: You are very sure she will be at home based on evidence or knowledge.
Possible (50%)
- Example: "She may be at home."
- Example: "She might be at home."
- Explanation: There is a possibility that she will be at home, but you are not sure.
Less Certain (30%)
- Example: "She could be at home."
- Explanation: It's less likely, but still possible.
Not Certain (0%)
- Example: "She can't be at home."
- Explanation: You are sure that she will not be at home.
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