Be Supposed To
- Usage: "Be supposed to" is used to indicate something that is expected or required. It often refers to rules, plans, or expectations from others.
- Form: [Subject] + [am/is/are] supposed to + [base form of the verb] (present and future) / [was/were] supposed to + [base form of the verb] (past)
- Examples:
- "You are supposed to wear a uniform at school." (It is expected that you wear a uniform.)
- "He was supposed to meet us at 5 PM, but he didn't show up." (He was expected to meet us at 5 PM, but he didn’t.)
Was/Were Going To
- Usage: "Was/Were going to" is used to express actions that were planned or intended in the past but did not happen. It indicates a past intention or plan that was not carried out.
- Form: [Subject] + was/were going to + [base form of the verb]
- Examples:
- "I was going to call you, but I forgot." (I had planned to call you, but I forgot.)
- "They were going to travel to Japan, but their plans changed." (They intended to travel to Japan, but their plans changed.)
Structure and Examples
Be Supposed To:
Present and Future:
- Form: [Subject] + [am/is/are] supposed to + [base form of the verb]
- Examples:
- "We are supposed to submit the report by Friday." (We are required to submit the report by Friday.)
- "She is supposed to start her new job next week." (She is expected to start her new job next week.)
- Form: [Subject] + [was/were] supposed to + [base form of the verb]
- Examples:
- "You were supposed to finish your homework before dinner." (You were expected to finish your homework before dinner.)
- "They were supposed to be here by now." (They were expected to be here by now.)
Was/Were Going To:
- Form: [Subject] + was/were going to + [base form of the verb]
- Examples:
- "I was going to clean the house, but I got sick." (I had planned to clean the house, but I got sick.)
- "She was going to tell him the truth, but she changed her mind." (She intended to tell him the truth, but she changed her mind.)
Usage Differences and Tips
"Be supposed to" is typically used to talk about rules or expectations.
- "You are supposed to be quiet in the library." (It is a rule that you should be quiet in the library.)
"Was/were going to" is used to talk about planned actions that didn’t happen.
- "I was going to attend the meeting, but I missed the bus." (I had planned to attend the meeting, but I missed the bus.)
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