
  • Usage: "Should" is used to give general advice or recommendations. It implies a suggestion that is expected to be followed for a positive outcome.
  • Form: [Subject] + should + [base form of the verb]
  • Examples:
    • "You should see a doctor." 
    • "She should study more for the exam." 

Ought To

  • Usage: "Ought to" is similar to "should" and is used for giving advice or recommendations. It often implies a sense of duty or moral obligation.
  • Form: [Subject] + ought to + [base form of the verb]
  • Examples:
    • "You ought to apologize for being late." 
    • "They ought to follow the rules." 

Had Better

  • Usage: "Had better" is used to give strong advice or warnings. It suggests a recommended action that is important to avoid negative consequences. It is more urgent and implies that not following the advice could lead to problems.
  • Form: [Subject] + had better + [base form of the verb]
  • Examples:
    • "You had better finish your homework before going out." 
    • "We had better leave now if we want to catch the train." 

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Other Lessons

16 September 2024, Monday

Lesson 1: Simple Present Tense

In English, should, ought to and had better are used when giving advice. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.

16 September 2024, Monday

Lesson 2: Present Continuous Tense

In English, should, ought to and had better are used when giving advice. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.

16 September 2024, Monday

Lesson 3: Frequency Adverbs

In English, should, ought to and had better are used when giving advice. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.

17 September 2024, Tuesday

Lesson 4: Stative and Non-Stative Verbs

In English, should, ought to and had better are used when giving advice. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.

17 September 2024, Tuesday

Lesson 5: Simple Past Tense

In English, should, ought to and had better are used when giving advice. You can access the full course on the Udemy platform.