Dear Student this is course is for the Turkish market only. Therefore the explanations in the video lesson are in the Turkish language. If you would like to watch our Video lesson in English. Please check this course for you.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns - Sayılabilen ve Sayılamayan İsimler

İngilizcede sadece sayılabilen isimleri tekil ve çoğul olarak kullanabiliriz.  Fakat sayılamayan isimler hiçbir sayısal ifade almazlar.


A book - two books - sayılabilen (countable)

Rain - rain - sayılamayan (uncountable)     

Aşağıdaki örnek bazı sayılamayan (uncountable) isimleri inceleyiniz.














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Kitabı incelemek için aşağıdaki resme tıklayınız.


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Other Lessons

26 July 2024, Friday

Lesson 1: Noun + Is + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn (Countable and Uncountable Nouns - structures and usage). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 2: Noun + Are + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn (Countable and Uncountable Nouns - structures and usage). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 3: Pronoun + Be + Noun

In this lesson, you will learn (Countable and Uncountable Nouns - structures and usage). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 4: Be + Adjective

In this lesson, you will learn (Countable and Uncountable Nouns - structures and usage). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)

15 July 2024, Monday

Lesson 5: Be + Location

In this lesson, you will learn (Countable and Uncountable Nouns - structures and usage). This course is the video lesson of our BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR book. (For Turkish Market)