1. One another / Each other
These phrases are used to describe actions done by two or more people or things towards each other.
- Example:
- The friends helped one another with their homework. (The friends helped each other.)
- The children are playing with each other in the park. (The children are playing together.)
2. The other day
This expression refers to a recent, but not specific, day in the past.
- Example:
- I saw Jane the other day at the grocery store. (I saw Jane a few days ago.)
3. Another one
This phrase means "one more" or "a different one."
- Example:
- Can I have another one of these cookies? (Can I have one more cookie?)
4. On the other hand
This expression is used to present a contrasting point of view or alternative perspective.
- Example:
- I like living in the city; on the other hand, the countryside is very peaceful. (I like city life, but I also see the value in living in the countryside.)
5. Other than
This phrase means "except for" or "besides."
- Example:
- Other than the main course, what else would you like for dinner? (Besides the main course, what would you like?)
6. In other words
This expression is used to rephrase or clarify something in a different way.
- Example:
- The exam was very difficult. In other words, it was harder than I expected. (To clarify, the exam was harder than expected.)
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