How about

"How about" is used to suggest something or propose an idea. It can also be used to ask for opinions or feedback on a suggestion.

  • How about going to the cinema tonight?
    That sounds like a great idea!

  • How about we meet at 3 PM?
    Sure, 3 PM works for me.

What about

"What about" is used to inquire about additional information or to ask for details about something. It can also be used to raise a new point or suggest something that has not been considered yet.

  • What about the cost of the tickets?
    We need to check the prices before deciding.

  • What about the new project proposal?
    We should discuss it in the next meeting.

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Other Lessons

16 September 2024, Monday

Lesson 1: Simple Present Tense

"How about" and "What about" are expressions used to make suggestions and seek additional information. "How about" is used for proposing ideas or asking for opinions on a suggestion, while "What about" is used to raise additional points or inquire about details that might not have been considered. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.

16 September 2024, Monday

Lesson 2: Present Continuous Tense

"How about" and "What about" are expressions used to make suggestions and seek additional information. "How about" is used for proposing ideas or asking for opinions on a suggestion, while "What about" is used to raise additional points or inquire about details that might not have been considered. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.

16 September 2024, Monday

Lesson 3: Frequency Adverbs

"How about" and "What about" are expressions used to make suggestions and seek additional information. "How about" is used for proposing ideas or asking for opinions on a suggestion, while "What about" is used to raise additional points or inquire about details that might not have been considered. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.

17 September 2024, Tuesday

Lesson 4: Stative and Non-Stative Verbs

"How about" and "What about" are expressions used to make suggestions and seek additional information. "How about" is used for proposing ideas or asking for opinions on a suggestion, while "What about" is used to raise additional points or inquire about details that might not have been considered. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.

17 September 2024, Tuesday

Lesson 5: Simple Past Tense

"How about" and "What about" are expressions used to make suggestions and seek additional information. "How about" is used for proposing ideas or asking for opinions on a suggestion, while "What about" is used to raise additional points or inquire about details that might not have been considered. You can access our full course on the Udemy platform.